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What We Offer


• What is a Prophet (how to know if you are a Prophet)?
• Who is a Prophet?
• Discovering the different types of Prophets
• What is the difference between a Prophet and prophecy?
• Understanding the office of the Prophet, Seer, and Dreamer
• Power of a Prophet
• Major & Minor Prophets (Old and New Testament Prophets)
• Today’s Prophet
• Ethics and protocol of the Prophets 
• The uniqueness of a Prophet
• Gifts of a Prophet (discernment, dreams, tongues, keen listening ability to hear the voice of GOD, prophesying with accuracy, increase the level of anointing, use of anointing oil, visions, powerful interpretation, discerning of Spirits)
• The office of a Prophet (call to the office)
• The real and false Prophet
• The Prophets authority
• Practicing prophecy
• Wisdom of the Prophet
• Visitations 
• Angels
• The mindset of the Prophet
Leadership roles of the Prophet


- 20 Total Lessons

- The Course of study will be two subjects a week

- One Assignment is due weekly by Sunday @ Midnight EST. 

- 2 Weekly chats required for attendance (one hour 10 min sessions)

- 1 Substantial post to classmates (of 175-character words) due by Friday @ Midnight EST. (based upon chat discussions)

- One Midterm 

- One Final


- Diploma of completion

- Ordination as Prophet or Prophetess upon evaluation.

- License to operate in prophecy 

- All honor roll student will receive pin

The Commencement Ceremony

Held in Orlando, Florida. Date / Location: TBA

Diplomas will be distributed at the Commencement Ceremony. (if you are unable to attend your diploma will be mailed to you no exceptions) 

All students must purchase their own regalia. (black only)

If you graduated with honors you may purchase cords only through the school.   

Food will be served after Commencement (voluntary, however, rsvp is required for attendance. You may have 5 people max for dinner after 5th individual $25 per person surcharge.


We're extremely excited that you have considered us today. If you feel that Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophet is the school for you, register with us online today!


Have a Question?

Our Enrollment Services team can help.

Business Hours:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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