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About Us

Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophets is a school geared towards prophets. Our mandate is to teach and train prophets the effective, and proper way to flow in the prophetic realm. We teach prophets the proper code of ethics, protocol, and customs of the office of the prophet. Additionally, we evaluate the prophet’s role and place within the church. We give you the information, tools, and skills, so that you can evaluate your position as a prophet. Furthermore, we will teach you how to understand prophecy, as well as prophesy under the unction of The Holy Spirit. We will be discovering the gifts of the spirit to unlock your hidden treasures. We will give you your key concepts to the prophetic realm. Lastly, showing you how to prophesy with precision and power.

Mission Statement

Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophets was founded by President / CEO ThD Poinciana Sprewell. She is an ordained Pastor, Prophetess, and Evangelist. She is also a Certified Professional Life Coach and Relationship Coach. She was taught and trained by the best Prophets in the land. Pastor/ Prophetess Clara Strong & Pastor/ Prophet Owen Johnson. Through her many years of teaching, she has learned the power of prophecy. Therefore, her mission and mandate are to teach, and train others on the role of the prophet. The purpose of the School of Prophets is to teach, train, and equip prophets in ministry. Our goal is to help you fulfill your destiny and vision for your life. The prophet is used least in the church; therefore, we want to help birth and blossom as many prophets as can within the earth. The gospel of Christ is founded upon The Word of God, which allows every believer the covenant of salvation. The Spirit of God has called many members to participate in the body of Christ. 

And God hath set some in the church first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
1 Corinthians 12: 28

Statement of Faith

We believe in the written Word of God through the Torah given to Moses of the first five books of the Bible.

We believe that there is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Believing in all three of the trinity.

We believe that the Bible is the only Holy and true inspired Words of God given to His Prophets and servants through infallible truths and authoritative Word of God.

We believe in the deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; in His virgin birth, that He never sinned and in His miracles, signs and wonders demonstrated in the Holy Land His shedding of blood on the cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of His Father Almighty God Jehovah, and that His Father gave Him all power in Heaven and on the Earth.

We believe that man was made in the image and likeness of God. and that we should be perfect because He is perfect.

We believe in the total emergence of water baptism in the name of The Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of The Holy Ghost.

We believe that the gift of speaking in tongues is given through the Holy Spirit. The third person of the trinity.

We believe that the Holy Ghost has saving power to change one’s life with indwelling power that Christians must have to enable them to live a holy and sanctified lifestyle. 

Who We Are

We are Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophets extended to the world for prophetic vision. We serve God's people through our online courses and nonresidential programs to advance their knowledge of the prophetic realm. Those who are seeking a career in ministry or pursuit of credentials from an academic passion perspective. Our offerings include:

• Diploma
• Certificates
• Ordinations
• Availability to register to Daniel's Prophetic Prophecy Course

We are the Harvard of Schools of the Prophets. We have the best prophetic program in the world, and pride ourselves with wells of knowledge. Our degrees and certificates are adorned with the Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophet's insignia. They carry the weight of that lineage. Our graduates walk at PSSP commencement and become members of the Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophets Alumni Association. In association with one of the greatest  Prophets of this generation, Prophetess Poinciana Sprewell. Your Diploma will carry weight and be respected in many circles and arena within the world.

We teach to the largest and most eclectic student body through our online program. Our students come from all walks of life to us from every time zone, every ethnicity and career background, every age from 18 to 89.

Our students have one thing in common: the motivation, drive and tenacity to bring change. They see in the prophetic realm and want to make a difference in society by teaching and training others. Most prophets in training know that people may not understand them. They may be perceived as different or strange. Nevertheless, they have decided to answer the call of the office of the prophet. They know and understand that they want the best, and most efficient information about prophecy in the land. That is why they have decided to join Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophets, so they can be efferently equipped for battle. 

Is Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophets the right fit for you? 

Whatever your learning the prophetic realm, or have goals, PSSP can help you achieve them. Learn about the value of a Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophet's education.

Meet The Dean

ThD Poinciana Sprewell

Interim Dean, Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophet Division of Education.

As our world transitions fully to knowledge through online platforms, be a part of Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophets being the leaders and trailblazers in prophecy standing at the forefront of greatness in the wave of education.

No one knows precisely what universities of the future will look like, because our world has been impacted, such as never before. However, in these times of uncertainty. The world is in need of answers that is why it is imperative that prophets rise up and be leaders within our world, society, and community. We are in need of strong voices in the Earth, and that is why Prophetess Poinciana Sprewell founded PSSP to help bring forth the voices of today to demonstrate and activate through the voice of God.

We must understand that students learn differently. That is why we put this world-renown program together to bring the best of what ministry and the prophetic has to offer. To demonstrate a program that is clear and precise giving education, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. 

More About Our President

Our end goal is the creation of new knowledge and the preservation of academic freedoms through ministry. We uphold the greatest prophetic program, which challenges students to think deeply and critically—an asset in any pursuit of the future. The prophetic realm is the unknown, it is the hidden things of God. That is why it is extremely imperative that you are properly trained under a Master Prophet. ThD Prophetess Poinciana Sprewell is the Head Prophet in the nation her voice rings through the nation and the information learned is impeccable. 

We're extremely excited that you have considered us today. If you feel that Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophet is the school for you, register with us online today!

Together, we can speak to our future, teach generations, and create our destiny! 

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Our Enrollment Services team can help.


We're extremely excited that you have considered us today. If you feel that Poinciana Sprewell School of the Prophet is the school for you, register with us online today!


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Business Hours:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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